Acupuncture Relief For Common Pregnancy Complaints
Acupuncture for the Third Trimester
The third trimester of pregnancy can bring about discomforts that were not present in early pregnancy. East Bay Acupuncture can help with common conditions and pain, particularly in the last trimester of pregnancy. Our Oakland acupuncture team specializes in prenatal acupuncture care and comes with decades of experience in treating pregnancy-related symptoms in a safe, holistic way. The following conditions and discomforts of pregnancy can be treated with integrative medicine and prenatal acupuncture.
Treating Pregnancy Constipation with Acupuncture
It is common for digestion to slow down during pregnancy. Many people experience constipation in their second or third trimester of pregnancy. Acupuncture is a safe technique for relieving constipation during pregnancy. According to Chinese medicine, constipation is seen as stagnant energy in the intestines or a lack of moisture. Acupuncture or acupressure techniques can effectively re-regulate bowel movements by helping to get the circulation flowing again and bringing moisture to the area if needed. Acupuncture treatments can help open blockages, stimulate peristalsis, and regulate bowel movements.
A Holistic Solution to Heartburn During Pregnancy
Heartburn is very common during pregnancy and is an easily treated condition with natural medicine. It is a burning sensation in the esophagus and can have many associated symptoms, such as a burning sensation in the chest and throat, and a sour, acidic taste. Heartburn often happens due to the increase of relaxin in your body, (a hormone produced by the ovaries and placenta), but pregnancy-related heartburn also happens because there is less space in your body as your baby grows. Acupuncture and acupressure are both safe to use during pregnancy and can give you immediate and long-lasting relief from these symptoms.
Hemorrhoid Relief During Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids caused by swollen blood vessels around the rectum are a common symptom of pregnancy. In the last few months of pregnancy, many women report external hemorrhoids due to uterine pressure on blood veins in the pelvic and rectal areas. Hemorrhoids can be effectively treated with acupuncture, herbs, and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies.
Prenatal Acupuncture for Pain
Body pain is common in pregnancy. The hormone relaxin increases, which can cause some pelvic instability and may create a strain on round ligaments. As your baby grows, you might feel pressure on your pelvis, lower back, and hips. Acupuncture works by bringing more circulation to these areas which reduces inflammation and swelling, and relaxes the muscles so that spasms cease. Acupuncture treatments also affect the nervous system, reducing the pain response elicited by the trouble areas in the hip and back.
Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tingling, numb, and painful hands are likely caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, which is common in pregnancy. A buildup of fluid in the wrists compresses the median nerve, causing tingling and numbness. Acupuncture and acupressure can help to reduce the inflammation and fluid in painful areas and also stimulate the release of pain-relieving endorphins, and can help to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pregnancy.
Acupuncture Solutions for Round Ligament Pain
Round ligament pain is a sharp pain or jabbing feeling often felt in the lower belly or groin area on one or both sides. It is one of the most common discomforts during pregnancy, felt most often during the second and third trimesters but can happen sooner. Prenatal acupuncture can provide symptom relief, reduce inflammation, and treat your pregnancy pain.
East Bay Acupuncture specializes in acupuncture for pregnancy. Reach out to us for more information!