Natural Labor Tips: Eat Six Dates a Day 10 Ways

East Bay Acupuncture 6 Dates a day for labor preparation

Six Dates a Day to Prepare for Labor

As prenatal acupuncturists who work with people in their third trimester every day, we often hear how hard it is to get 6 days into a day!

Have you heard the recommendation to eat 6 dates a day for the last month of your pregnancy? Studies have shown that eating six dates a day in those 4 weeks before your estimated due date can result in easier labor, a shorter first phase of labor, more intact membranes at birth as well as more spontaneous labor without the need for medical intervention or induction. 

The reason dates are eaten to prepare for labor instead of any other fruit is because they trigger oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin is responsible for uterine contractions and helps your baby move down into the birth canal. Oxytocin also triggers prostaglandins which have the important job of softening/ripening the cervix. Oxytocin continues to be utilized throughout labor and aids in bonding with your babe once they arrive. It’s considered the “love hormone” for this exact purpose!

But six dates a day can feel like a lot and many expectant mamas struggle to find ways to incorporate them into their day. So, we wanted to share some creative ways to mix it up and get your date intake while not getting too bored with dates in the process. If you stick to the suggested date intake, you’ll hopefully be eating around 180 dates so let’s make it fun and interesting. Here are some ideas on stuffing, spreading, baking, and blending dates into your whole day. Don’t forget to remove the seed before preparing your date treats! All of these recipes use Medjool dates which are easy to find in most grocery stores these days. Deglet dates are smaller and 6 can be eaten a day. If you have Medjool dates, you can eat just 4 dates a day.

Photo by Detoxinista

Photo by Detoxinista

Here are 10 ways to enjoy your daily date intake:

  1. Roll them into carrot cake balls (GF) like these from Detoxinista

  2. Spread a date on your favorite piece of toast with some cinnamon and tahini or nut butter. I’m a little impatient so I spread it on but you can make a paste in the food processor. 

  3. Add a date to your oatmeal - chop one up into small pieces and stir into warm, cooked old-fashioned oats. 

  4. Add a date to your smoothie or yogurt instead of another sweetener.

  5. Wrap them in bacon and bake some up like these

  6. Spread into a celery stick with or without some cream cheese.

  7. Stuff with a walnut and a few toasted coconut flakes.

  8. Stuff with a hard cheese like manchego and a piece of fresh basil.

  9. Make a healthy-ish Date Shake like this one from Eating Bird Food.

  10. Bake them like these awesome gluten-free date bars from Sunkissed Kitchen.

If you prefer savory foods, there are so many amazing recipes online like this delicious Spinach and Date Salad from Chef Ottolenghi’s Jerusalem cookbook that I tried just for you to make sure it passed the test. I ended up making it two days in a row with some gluten-free injera (instead of pita) that I had left over. The results were supreme lunch satisfaction. 

Is there anyone who should stay away from dates? The few reasons you wouldn’t want to give dates a try at the end of your pregnancy would be if you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or if you have preexisting diabetes or insulin issues. Additionally, if your OB has advised you not to increase your caloric intake it is better to stay away as a single Medjool date contains 113 calories. Otherwise, we’ve seen great spontaneous labors with expectant mamas who are diligent about their dates in the third trimester starting at week 36.

Dates are a mainstay in Middle Eastern culture. Historically, the date palm tree originated in the Middle East, in what was once Iraq, and shortly after was found in Northern Africa. Dates are the first food eaten when breaking fast during Ramadan. There is also a reference to the Virgin Mary eating them during childbirth in the Quran. Dates are a common ingredient in baking and cooking in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines and have become a popular fruit around the world. 

These suggestions are just a taste of the wealth of knowledge we at East Bay Acupuncture in Oakland have for prenatal acupuncture clients. If you’d like additional support in preparing for your birth with acupuncture, please reach out. We offer weekly acupuncture treatments starting week 36 leading up to and in the beginning stages of labor to prepare you for a smooth birth experience. Each week we work toward cervical ripening, easing pain and tension, and getting the hormones and movement going for you to go into labor on your own.

Contact us for acupuncture for labor preparation in Oakland.


Al-Kuran, O., et al. (2011). “The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery.” J Obstet Gynaecology 31(1): 29-31.

Khadem N, Sharaphy A, Latifnejad R, Hammod N, I R. (2007). Comparing the efficacy of dates and oxytocin in the management of postpartum hemorrhage. Shiraz E-Medical Journal 8:64–71.

Kordi M, Meybodi FA, Tara F, Shakeri MT. (2014). “The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on cervical ripening in nulliparous women.” Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2:150–156.

Simkin, P., Whalley, J., Keppler, A. (2001). Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn. Meadowbrook Press, New York.