Get to Know Acupuncturist, Dr. Nadia Moredo, L.Ac., DTCM


We got together with Nadia to learn more about her and everything she loves about Chinese Medicine!

How did you find acupuncture as a career?

When I was in college I had some digestive issues and I started seeing an acupuncture student at the local acupuncture school and taking herbs regularly which really helped in a way that Western medicine couldn't anymore. I was very intrigued, and years later I enrolled in this same school, Five Branches University, and now have my Master’s and Doctorate through my studies there. I was also raised with a lot of herbal medicine in my house, and learning a formalized system of herbs and acupuncture felt like a natural extension of this. 

During your time with Charlotte Maxwell Center, you had the opportunity to support people going through cancer treatment. What was that experience like for you?

It has been an honor to work with people going through a difficult diagnosis and treatment and give them some grace through better sleep, pain relief, and ease of digestion. It is always inspiring to see relaxed faces after an acupuncture treatment when I know most of the rest of their days are filled with more stressful appointments. 

How did you become interested in being an acupuncturist for infertility and pregnancy?

I became pregnant right after getting my acupuncture license, so naturally, I was very interested in women’s health, fertility, and prenatal care. I had an opportunity to work out of my midwife’s office during my early career, supporting pregnant people throughout pregnancy and postpartum, working to help turn breech babies, get women ready for labor, recover in the postpartum period, help with milk supply, and other postpartum issues. As I went through the journey myself and experienced the gift of parenthood, I felt inspired to work with people seeking fertility treatments, and I have been continuously awed at the effectiveness of acupuncture and Chinese herbs for fertility.

What is your favorite acupuncture point and why?

Stomach 36! It is one of the most used acupuncture points, for a good reason! It can help with digestive issues, support healthy energy levels, help the immune system function optimally, and help ground emotions. It has so many more functions, and I include it in most of my treatments for its effectiveness.  I started my Chinese medicine studies in Honolulu, and my first teacher, Dr. Lili Sou, encouraged her students to learn the Chinese names of all the points and reflect on the poetry of the names. The name of ST36 is Zusanli, which translates to Leg Three Miles, and Lili Sou would tell us a story of a man who needed to reach his family by foot in ancient China, and the distance was too great, and after so many miles, he couldn’t walk one more step. When this point was stimulated, he was able to get up and walk 3 more miles, and reach his family.

What is your favorite Chinese herb and why?

My favorite Chinese herbs are a classic formula called Xiao Yao San. It is also a frequently used herbal formula, with an encouraging name - Free and Easy Wanderer. It has so many applications, though working in women’s health, I use it a lot to help smooth out the premenstrual time. 

What are your favorite places to be in Oakland?

I am so lucky to work at East Bay Acupuncture, so close to Lake Merritt, one of my favorite places in Oakland! I love walking and jogging around the lake and seeing a wide variety of people enjoying the outdoors and bird watching, a true representation of the Oakland community.

What do you want your East Bay community to know about acupuncture and working with you?

This is my 18th year practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine! I have studied a lot and worked with a lot of different people, and I try to come to each new patient with humility and curiosity, as each person’s health and well-being is the journey that they are inviting me into. I love answering questions and empowering my patients to be curious about their bodies and advocate for themselves. I enjoy providing a sanctuary space for patients to ease their minds and bodies and let the wisdom of Chinese medicine support them.

Qi gong and meditation play an important role in your life. Tell us how you learn these modalities and how they help you. 

I started practicing qi gong in Hawaii, learning a system called the silken movements. My teacher emphasized the idea of gentle movement, and gentle acupuncture to achieve great effect. She called her acupuncture style “The Silken Method” and taught her students to needle gently with great intent, and the effect can be as strong as a silk thread. Qi gong practiced daily feels very mild, yet I can feel its calming impact in my life.

Nadia Moredo speaks English and Spanish and is accepting new patients. Book a new patient visit with her today here.